So today I have the polish for you that has been on my nails for 7 days till now, and I haven't taken it off. Yes, you read this right! Seven days! That's a lot, especially for me since I usually change my polish every day or every other day. I took pics on day two (on day one I didn't have proper lighting) and on day seven. It's also a first for me to post my thumb up close and personal on my blog! :D

This picture was taken on day two of wear and looks indeed like a fresh mani.
And now, the picture that I took today, on the end of day seven.

I used OPI Nail Envy Matte as my basecoat and only two coats of Cherry Glazed. I believe this one could have done with one though, since it is so pigmented! But really, I'm impressed. I think I've found the polish I should wear when I go on vacation :)
What do you think of Misa Cherry Glazed? Do you own polish yourself that lasts 7 days and does not chip - excluding Shellac of course!
Thanks for stopping by!