So today I have a konadicure for you! Well it's not really Konad, but it's stamping alright :) I only have half of my Bundle Monster plates, but these are already a lot of fun.
Kitty Ate All The Fish! I used OPI Princesses Rule! as a basecolor (two coats) and stamped it with Konad Special polish in Black Pearl and China Glaze Awaken. I used Bundle Monster imageplate BM04 for the images. I really like how this one turned out! What do you think?
I wanted to do a mani to coordinate with my new skirt. I really like the way the colors work together but this time my stamping was very poor :(
Chtěla jsme si udělat nehítky, které by ladily s mojí novou sukní. Výběr barviček a to, jak spolu vypadají se mo moc líbil, ale moje razítkování se tentokrát ůbec nepovedlo :(