OPI All That Razz-Berry

Beautiful shade, crappy pictures. A dear friend of mine sent me this shade to try. It is a discontinued color from The OPI Chicago Collection, 2005. I really loved it, but couldn´t do very nice pictures. I really need spring! As you can see, I have VNL, that was two coats. Three would have been better. Very nice juicy color!

Krásný odstín, příšerné fotky. Tenhle odstín jsem mohla vyzkoušet díky jedné moc hodné kamarádce. Je z OPI Chicago kolekce z roku 2005 a už se těžko shání. Strašně moc se mi zalíbil, jen se mi nepovedlo udělat hezké fotky. Už aby tady bylo jaro! Jak je vidět, trošku mi lak prosvítá, mám dvě vrtsvy, takže tři by určitě byly lepší. Opravdu krásná šťavnatá barvička!

Sally Hansen Mint Sprint

Mint Sprint is from the new collection for spring 2010. It is a mint green creme. I did a little comparison for you with Orly Gumdrop, which is more lighter and more on the blue side. I was really surprised about the brush, which is flat and wide so it was a bit hard to work. Which one do you like more? :)

Mint Sprint je z nové jarní kolekce pro rok 2010 a veze se po módní vlně podobných barviček. Udělala jsem pro vás srovnání s Orly Gumdrp, který je ale světlejší a trošku víc domodra. Byla jsem docela překvapená štětečkem, který je tlustý a široký, takže se s ním trošku hůř pracovalo. Tak který se vám líbí víc? :)

Sally Hansen Mint Sprint versus Orly Gumdrop

My first giveaway!

Hi all!

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :) This post is about my first ever giveaway! I though something to thank my readers was in order, since I reached 100 followers last week.

The prize is a brand new bottle of Satin Passion from the Orly Satin Hues Collection. If you haven't read about it, my post about this gorgeous red can be found here. I bought two bottles and I used my own bottle for the mani that I pictured.

So, on to the details!

Rules and entries:
1. You have to be a follower of my blog. Please tell me your name if you use a different name for posting, so I can link you to your followername.
2. Leave me a comment with your email address and tell me why you want to have Orly Satin Passion.

Above will gain you one entry.

Extra entries:
1. Follow me on Twitter. Please tell me what your username is.
2. Tweet about this giveaway (please leave me a link)
3. Blog about this giveaway. Feel free to use the picture in your post! Please give me the link to your post in your comment.

Each of these will gain you one extra entry. The maximum amount of entries per person is four.

This giveaway is open till March 27th 2010, 11.59 GMT+01. International followers are more than welcome! I will draw a winner using The Hat on March 29th and send an email to the email address that is stated in the post. If you don't claim your prize within 48 hours, I will draw another winner.

Good luck all!